RevOps framework: What it is, why it works and how to use it

Revenue Operations (RevOps) is a breakthrough application of data and automation. It’s gaining in popularity across all industries—and for good reason. 

Winning organizations break down silos and optimize the flow of work across sales, marketing and customer success teams. RevOps has emerged as their key to achieving this enormous effort. In fact, According to Gartner, 75% of high-growth companies will have a RevOps model within the next two years. With a focus on alignment and collaboration, a RevOps framework reduces costs, improves customer experience and accomplishes the ever elusive goal of consistent, sustainable revenue growth. 

In short, RevOps is the intersection of data-driven and customer-centric revenue generation. Leaders who understand and are able to implement a RevOps framework realize their company’s revenue goals through integration of processes, data and technologies across teams. 


The benefits of RevOps

Streamlined processes across key teams with improved data analysis and automation deliver powerful, actionable insights into customer behavior, helping organizations find and tap new revenue streams. 

Benefits of RevOps include: 

  • Improved collaboration
  • A unified approach to revenue generation
  • Reduced inefficiencies
  • Increased productivity
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Accountability


A RevOps framework enables organizations to crush revenue goals, increase customer retention and improve overall business performance.


The elements of a RevOps framework

Every RevOps framework contains four key elements: People, processes, technology and data. 

People are the core of every revenue operations team. From leaders to specialists, all are responsible for implementing a RevOps framework. They should be able to develop and execute a cohesive strategy that aligns with the company’s overall goals and objectives.

Developing and refining processes across all revenue-related functions will increase efficiency and effectiveness. In RevOps, these processes belong to different departments, often including sales, marketing and customer success. 

Advancements in technology have produced sophisticated RevOps software. Use it! Your tech should help you exchange data, segment your audience and/or automate workflows. Integrating various technologies such as CRM, marketing automation, and customer success tools will streamline and optimize revenue operations.

Finally, being able to collect and analyze data is critical to making informed decisions under a RevOps framework. RevOps relies on key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that track revenue growth, customer acquisition and retention.

Waterfall vs. agile models

Project management methodologies waterfall and agile can be applied to RevOps frameworks, Waterfall being a traditional, sequential approach and agile being the more iterative approach involving continuous collaboration, adaptation and improvement. 

The time-saving advantages and emphasis on collaboration may make agile a good fit for your RevOps framework, although ultimately, the choice of framework will depend on the specific needs and requirements of your organization, as well as industry, size and revenue goals.


The different frameworks

Several RevOps frameworks have emerged recently, each with its own approach to optimizing revenue-generating functions within an organization. 

The Clari RevOps framework, for example, is a waterfall model that helps GTM teams take control. It focuses on four key pillars: revenue process optimization, connected intelligence, dynamic forecasting and collaborative execution. The Clari RevOps framework also includes a set of best practices, tools and technologies to help organizations implement their strategy, including data management and analytics tools, AI-powered forecasting and pipeline management, and integrations with other sales and marketing tools.

Oriented toward aligning people, process, platform and insights for revenue acceleration, the McAlign framework is another that seeks to unify sales, marketing, customer success and revenue operations under one strategy. This agile model boasts an ability to mine processes, track the customer life cycle, optimize customer journeys and create unified revenue funnel view across various revenue functions.


How to apply a RevOps framework

You know you need a RevOps framework to align fractured processes, tools and teams across your company. There are many approaches to growing this muscle within your organization, but these basics will get you started while you gather a holistic view of your revenue growth and determine (or design!) the best framework to suit your needs.

  • Step 1: Define goals and responsibilities. This could include optimizing revenue-generating processes, improving sales and marketing alignment, and managing customer experience. 
  • Step 2: Identify necessary roles and skills needed to meet those goals. This could include roles such as revenue operations manager, sales operations manager, marketing operations manager, customer success operations manager or data analyst.
  • Step 3: Determine a reporting structure. Some organizations may choose to have the team report directly to the CEO, while others may choose to have the team report to the VP of Sales or another executive.
  • Step 4: Establish collaboration between revenue-generating teams to align goals, processes and metrics. These may include sales, marketing, customer success, etc.
  • Step 5: Leverage technology and data. Your team should have access to tools and technologies that enable efficient and effective analysis of revenue-generating activities.
  • Step 6: Agree on metrics and KPIs (given the data and skills available on the team) that align with the organization’s revenue goals. Regularly report progress.


Get your RevOps framework up and running

A RevOps framework aligns and optimizes the revenue-generating functions within an organization. It’s the proven way to equip the right people with the data and technology to streamline their processes, make the right decisions for your customers and drive predictable revenue growth. 

Advancements in data analysis and automation will continue to supercharge RevOps models in the years to come. As you can imagine, the deeper the insights you have into your customers’ behavior and readiness to purchase, the stronger your RevOps foundation becomes, allowing for even more efficiencies and profits to be gained during revenue growth activities. 

Just as B2C companies have moved from demographics to psychographics, B2B needs to shift from firmographics to exegraphics—dynamic data that reveals how a company executes on its mission. Want to see the exegraphics behind your best customers so you can uncover their hidden traits and target others just like them? Contact us, and we’ll show you.

8 outbound prospecting tips to help you crush your sales goals

Your cold email just arrived in your prospect’s inbox. But will your prospect open, read and respond to you?

Here’s what the data says: probably not.

And that’s because cold emailing, a form of outbound prospecting, is notoriously difficult and challenging for even the most seasoned sales professional. Still, outbound prospecting is an essential part of any successful B2B sales strategy that you shouldn’t avoid. 

So, what can you do? The good news is that there are ways to improve your efforts. And in this blog post, we share some of the best outbound prospecting strategies to help you crush your sales goals. 

Let’s get started! 


What is outbound prospecting?

Outbound prospecting is the process of reaching out to potential customers or clients to sell them your product or service. This can involve anything from sending out cold emails and making phone calls to attending industry events and networking with potential leads.

If you’re new to sales, prospects might find your outbound prospecting efforts annoying and easy to ignore. But in reality, outbound prospecting is a highly strategic and effective way to generate sales opportunities. According to a survey of IT executives, 75% of executives are “willing to make an appointment or attend an event based on a cold call or email alone.”

On top of that, outbound prospecting allows you to proactively engage with potential customers who may not otherwise be aware of your product or company. Rather than waiting for leads to come to you, outbound prospecting gives you the power to reach out and connect with prospects directly.


Inbound vs. outbound prospecting

Outbound prospecting is all about hunting for new business opportunities, while inbound prospecting involves waiting for those opportunities to come to you.

Strategies for outbound prospecting include cold calling, email outreach and social media prospecting. These techniques allow you to target specific potential customers based on their needs and interests, increasing your chances of connecting with the right people.

On the other hand, strategies for inbound prospecting involve building your brand or company’s online presence and any tactic that helps you generate quality leads. This can include optimizing your website for search, creating engaging social media content and partnering with influencers or industry experts to reach a wider audience.

Ideally, you’ll use a combination of outbound and inbound prospecting strategies to reach new customers and grow your customer base. For more information on how to do that, check out our post on inbound vs. outbound sales.


8 tips for building an effective outbound prospecting strategy

#1 Use behavioral data to update your ICP

When was the last time your company updated its ideal customer profile (ICP)? For many companies, it’s been a while, and all the info is somewhere on an old PowerPoint presentation. 

And you know the worst part? Most of the information in that presentation doesn’t even scratch the surface of what characteristics and behaviors actually define your ideal customer. 

If you’re looking to do outbound prospecting more effectively, it’s time to look beyond firmographic and technographic data and focus instead on what we at Rev call exegraphics. What are exegraphics? The characteristics and behaviors of companies that define how they operate and make important decisions, such as when and how to adopt new software solutions. 

By assessing these qualities and using them to update your ICP, you can develop a clear understanding of who to target and how to reach out to them.


#2 Personalize your messaging

You may know your prospects’ names and job titles. But personalization is so much more than that. To do outbound prospecting like a pro, you need to understand your prospects’ motivations and pain points and craft messages that truly resonate with them.

For example, by using exegraphic data, let’s imagine that you discovered that the type of companies most likely to buy from you are in the process of downsizing their marketing teams. To start outbound prospecting effectively, you might personalize your messaging by highlighting how your product or service can help these companies replace lost revenue and automate essential marketing tasks.

By tailoring your outbound prospecting strategy to address your prospects’ specific needs and concerns, you will be able to establish more meaningful connections and increase your chances of closing big sales.


#3 Identify the best medium and channel for communication

Depending on your target audience and the type of outbound prospecting campaign you run, you can use various methods and channels to connect with potential customers. Some popular methods include email marketing, phone calls, social media outreach, and webinars or live events.

For example, email marketing is a popular and effective outbound prospecting method, as it allows you to easily reach out to many potential clients at once. However, because your message is delivered electronically, you may find that it doesn’t always resonate with your target audience or elicit the response you are hoping for.

On the other hand, phone calls and live events may be more effective at fostering real conversations with your prospects and building trust. Of course, these methods can also be more time-consuming and challenging to scale. 


#4 Share valuable product-led content

Content marketing is typically seen as a component of an inbound prospecting strategy, as it allows you to create valuable content that speaks directly to the needs and interests of your target audience.

But rather than just creating content and hoping your prospects find it organically, you can incorporate content into your outbound prospecting strategy. How? By leveraging product-led content to guide prospects through the sales journey.

What is product-led content? Product-led content is any type of content that helps to educate potential customers about the features and benefits of your offering. This can include blog posts, ebooks, infographics, webinars, video tutorials and more.

One of the key benefits of product-led content is that it helps to build trust and credibility with potential customers. By providing high-quality, relevant information about your product, you demonstrate that you are an expert in your field and can be trusted to help solve your customers’ problems.


#5 Include social proof

No matter how detailed and thorough your sales pitch is, prospects are likely to always ask themselves questions like:

  • What are other people saying about this offering?
  • Has this company helped businesses like mine before?
  • What do others think of its quality and value?

One great way to address these concerns is by including social proof in your outbound prospecting efforts. 

By including social proof, such as testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers, you can build credibility with potential clients, instill confidence in your offering and make it more likely that they will become customers.


#6 Automate repetitive tasks using sales prospecting tools

Prospecting can be a tedious, time-consuming process. There’s a lot of work involved in researching potential clients’ contact information, reaching out to them and following up with those who don’t respond immediately.

To streamline your outbound prospecting efforts, consider using automated sales prospecting tools. These tools can help you to easily manage your outreach campaigns, tracking the status and progress of each lead and automatically sending out email follow-ups, among other things.


#7 Create a schedule for following up

Few prospects will respond to your outbound prospecting efforts right away. Instead, they’ll likely need some time to consider your pitch and research your company. As such, it’s crucial to create a schedule for following up with leads to ensure that you don’t miss out on any opportunities.

When and how often should you follow up with prospects? Some sales professionals recommend following up as soon as possible, within the first 24 hours after making your initial contact. Ultimately, the best approach will depend on your sales process and the type of leads you’re targeting.

For example, if you’re selling a highly technical product or service, it may be best to wait a bit longer to follow up with leads. This will allow you more time to thoroughly research their needs and develop a tailored solution and response to potential questions. 

On the other hand, if you’re selling a more commoditized product or service, it may be best to reach out as soon as possible. This will help you stay top-of-mind and continue to build a relationship before your competition does.


#8 Track and measure your results

You’ve heard it before. What gets measured gets managed. Sure, it’s a cliche, but it’s true.

To get the best out of your outbound prospecting efforts, you need to track and measure your results so you can make improvements as needed. Some metrics you’ll want to track include:

  • Number of outbound emails/calls sent and response rate
  • Lead conversion rate
  • Sales funnel progression
  • Average deal size and time to close

By analyzing these key metrics, you can identify areas for improvement to better engage and convert prospects. For example, the data might encourage you to tweak your messaging or adjust your targeting criteria.


Final thoughts

Outbound prospecting is challenging. It requires persistence and creativity to find the right target contacts, craft engaging messages that stand out from the competition and convert leads who might not know much about your company.

To maximize your efforts, start by taking the time to refine your ICP with exegraphic data. That way, you can identify the businesses most likely to be interested in your products or services. Next, develop engaging messaging that resonates with your target contacts and compels them to respond. Ready to use these strategies to level up your outbound prospecting and start closing more deals? Contact us, and we’ll give a free, prioritized list of target accounts that have the same characteristics as your best customers.

7 steps to effective lead management

Lead management isn’t a totally new idea, especially in the demand gen world. But, as your business grows and scales, you’ll need to make sure everyone understands what it is so they can follow the process you’ve built. Empowering your team with visibility into your lead management process not only creates a smoother experience for your team and for your customers, but it also positions your team to give you extra support in refining the evolving workflow. Extra eyes will help you see your blindspots.


What is lead management?

Lead management is efficiently acquiring, nurturing and converting leads into customers. It’s the common thread running through every marketing program and tactic. After all, the shared goal is to make a sale.

As a marketer, you likely depend on a variety of channels to generate leads, from online ads to trade shows and everything in between. Chances are, the leads you collect will enter in different phases of the funnel depending on their “fit” and “readiness” to purchase. That’s ok. It’s normal. The important thing is that you’re set up to nurture the leads down the funnel, regardless of where they start.

There’s more than one way to nurture a lead down the funnel. In fact, most companies implement a process that’s tailored to their business and their personas. Customizing your lead management to meet your unique context and your customers needs will help you close more deals.


Why is lead management important?

There are several reasons. Let’s dive into them. 

  1. Increases sales efficiency: Lead management primes leads and increases the efficiency of the sales process. With lead management, you’re making sure your prospective buyer is getting the information they need to make a purchase: they need to trust you and have confidence in your solution. When that foundation is built, your sales team is better able to pitch them and make a sale.
  2. Optimizes each stage of the funnel: With a formal lead management process in place, you’re able to see where leads are getting stuck in your funnel—and you can fix it. You can also see where customers are converting quickly, and infuse more of that goodness into your process.
  3. Builds relationships: Lead management is also important because it helps businesses build better relationships with their future customers. When you have a pulse on your customers needs and wants, you can target them with copy and content that speaks directly to them, solves their challenges and earns their trust. Providing this value through each stage of the funnel (and beyond) is key.
  4. Keeps your team aligned: When any team within your organization is out of the loop, a lead can fall through the cracks—at any point in the conversion process. A formal lead management process ensures that all teams are on the same page about how a lead moves through the funnel and the strategies that are being deployed to maximize lead conversion.
  5. Produces better lead quality: Lead management can also help you get better lead quality. When you know where your best leads are coming from or what assets are fueling velocity through the funnel, you know where to invest more. (The opposite is also true.)


7 steps to effective lead management

Lead management is essential for any business looking to maximize lead conversion and ROI. Again, lead management comes in all different shapes and sizes—so make yours your own. However, if you’re just getting started (or looking to refresh yours), here are the 7 steps you should include.


1. Bring in the leads 

You can generate leads through a variety of channels: online ads, events, SEO, webinars, content syndication and more. The important thing to remember here is that you’re targeting the accounts that fit your ideal customer profile—beyond the superficial markers of industry, company size and geography. Leading demand gen teams are relying on exegraphic data—insights into how companies execute their mission—to bring in the highest quality leads possible.

With exegraphics, you’ll also gain a better understanding of your ideal customer and their current pain points. This will give you the insight into the subjects you touch on when you’re building content or designing assets.  

Your lead generation process should also include a way to track leads and measure the success of your campaigns—and areas that need to be adjusted.


2. Score and prioritize leads 

Companies score their leads so they can quickly identify and prioritize the most qualified leads for conversion. 

To score your lead (and to get visibility into how likely they are to convert), you’ll assign each lead a numerical value based on qualifying markers (ie. geography) and their activity (ie. interaction with your website). The value of each marker or activity should be weighed according to how much it really signals the lead’s likelihood to convert. Then, add them all up and assign the score to your lead.

However, here’s the thing: lead scoring isn’t a one-time process. You have to regularly review lead data and adjust scores as you learn more about what activities or profile data makes the lead more “ready.”


3. Assign leads to sales reps 

After scoring and prioritizing your leads, the next step in lead management is assigning the leads to the appropriate sales reps. This is an important step. If you don’t have a smooth process in place for lead hand-off, your leads will fall through the cracks.

Many teams rely on lead routing software to ensure that leads are assigned to the right sales reps according to specific criteria: lead location, lead industry and lead score.


4. Convert qualified leads 

Once you have assigned leads to the appropriate sales reps, the next step is to convert them. This is the process of turning leads into customers. To do that, it’s important that your sales team respond to leads as quickly as possible and with helpful information  about how you can help them solve their problem. 

At the end of the day, the key to successful lead conversion is to provide a great customer experience. This means providing the customer with all the information they need to make an informed decision about your product or service.


5. Nurture leads that are not quite sale ready 

Not all leads are ready to make a purchase right away. Some leads may need additional nurturing before they are prepared to make a purchase. You’ll need to nurture those ones.

You can nurture leads by providing them with additional information and resources to make an informed decision. It includes providing them additional content, such as blog posts or videos, that covers industry topics and information about your product offering. 

Nurturing leads is a great way to build relationships with potential customers and increase your chances of converting them into paying customers. This step is also an ongoing process.


6. Evaluate your lead management process 

Regularly evaluating your lead management processes allows you to identify opportunities to level up. 

Start with your data. What does it tell you? Evaluate the number of leads you’re generating, the number of leads converting, the average time it takes to convert a lead—and what channels and tactics are driving the highest conversion.

You should also evaluate the effectiveness of your lead scoring system. If you find that you’re passing along “qualified” leads that really aren’t ready for a chat with sales, you’re preventing sales from talking to leads that are ready. Or, if you’re not passing along leads that are ready, you’re leaving room for your competitors to swoop in.


7. Make necessary changes to make the process more efficient and effective 

You should be making changes to your lead management process as you identify areas that need to be fixed. However, be mindful that it often takes a bit of time to really identify the changes that need to be made. If you just implemented something new, you may need to wait a bit and collect some data before you iterate again. (Of course, this depends on what the issue is. Some changes you might need to make yesterday.) 


The bottom line

As a demand gen leader, lead management starts at the very top of your funnel. Above the funnel, even. You have to first understand your ICP and ensure that all your lead gen efforts are targeting the companies that fit your profile.

That first step can’t be overlooked. It will change your entire trajectory.

With Rev, you can bring MQLs into your funnel that have the same characteristics as your best customers. We make this possible through our AI-powered Sales Development Platform, giving you confidence that the leads you bring in will be primed and ready to engage. Contact us to learn more.

8 actually helpful ways for SDRs to navigate this sales environment

Right now, Sales teams continue to face one of the toughest sales environments in memory. We may not technically be in a recession, but for years now, companies have been tightening their belts against spending that’s anything less than a sure thing.

It’s no longer enough to have a kick-ass product or the best service on the planet. Your SDRs have to be able to cut through the competition of everyone else’s SDRs (not to mention prospects’ own busy schedules) just to have the chance to talk about your value prop.

In other words, SDR leaders and teams need to learn how to get to the part where they can actually do what they do best.

Here are eight actionable ways you can tee up your SDRs for ultimate success.


ICP part one: Revisit your ICP in a big, big way.

Without a doubt, your team has been selling according to your organization’s ICP. Great. Now, answer this: How often does the company revisit that ICP, and how thoroughly does the ICP understand your best customers?

If you want to identify your best prospects, it needs to be comprehensive. Like, way more comprehensive than it is right now.

Far too often, a company’s ICP fits on a PowerPoint slide. It’s made up of perhaps half a dozen bullet points, highlighting firmographics such as size, industry, location and revenue. These are all relevant characteristics—yet highly superficial ones.

To connect the traits that make your best customers your best, an ICP needs to dig beyond how those customers look on the surface to how they behave on the inside. Their interior operations, the way they approach fulfilling their mission: these are what make them your best customers.

In short: Your SDRs need to be able to focus their time interacting with companies that have the characteristics you care about most—the companies that look- and act- alike. 


ICP part two: Provide your team with a dynamic ICP.

SDRs also need to be able to adapt as your customer base evolves. The landscape, as you well know, is constantly shifting. Your best customers this quarter may not match your best customers two quarters from now.

An ICP that can re-evaluate your top customers will help your SDRs understand not only how companies behave, but how they change over time—and a truly dynamic ICP can predict which companies will benefit from your offering even before they realize they need it.

Rev’s AI-driven ICPs do just that: they use exegraphic data (our B2B version of the psychographic data used in B2C) to build more dynamic customer profiles. Yet even with more traditional ICPs, steps to improve their dynamism will take your sales team farther than any PowerPoint slide.


ICP part three: Share the insights from the ICP.

A truly dynamic ICP will provide you with a dynamite target list. That’ll set your SDRs up for success. But it’s not enough: they need to understand the ICP and what makes these targets truly top prospects.

This will require more legwork before your SDRs start winding up fresh batches of cadences. It’ll also prevent them from chasing down the wrong accounts, or striking up the wrong conversations with the right accounts.

When your SDRs know what traits make up your best customers, and why those traits make them the best, they can better customize their outreach. They’ll have big-picture insight into what makes prospects tick and how to speak to their pain points—before ever picking up the phone.


Nail the first 15 seconds of cold calls.

Once your SDRs do pick up the phone, they want to win at cold calling. They’re as prepared as they’ll ever be, with the backing of a quality ICP. Yet to win more consistently, you can help them hone those first 15 seconds.

James Buckley, sales guru at JB Sales, gives these immediately actionable tips. This script transforms  your SDRs’ cold-calling game by making the conversation inevitable: 

  • “Hi, is this Maria.” Let’s say you’re calling Maria. You start, naturally, by asking if you’ve reached the right person. Ditch the question mark with its upward inflection: ask the question like it’s a statement. Use downward inflection. James calls this “authoritative voice.” Maria can only say, This is Maria or No, it’s not Maria.
  • “Maria, thank you for taking the call. Do you have a moment before your next meeting.” Again, downward inflection. Now, Maria can only say Yes, No, or (more common) Who the heck is this?
  • “This is James.” “If they say Who is this? I’ll say This is James, but not where I’m from—they didn’t ask that,” he explains.
  • “The reason I’m calling you is…” If they say they have a moment, don’t bother worrying over your name or who you’re with. They don’t care who you are—they care what you can do for them. “I’m calling you because you’re a VP of Sales, and we help VPs of Sales and their teams accomplish X” gets right to the meat of it.
  • “Do you want to have this conversation now, or do we need to put something on the calendar?” Downward inflection once again—and Maria now has a simple choice between I have ten minutes or Let me get my calendar.

“I use this opener all the time,” James says. “It really gets the conversation going in the right way.”


Learn from Marketing.

Even if you have a healthy relationship between Sales and Marketing, where Marketing responds to your SDRs’ needs and creates useful sales collateral, that’s too often the extent of the collaboration.

Change that dynamic: actively partner with Marketing to understand the content they’re creating, how to best use it in your outreach and how Sales can improve their own content creation.

  • Marketing can teach SDRs how to best use the collateral they’ve created over time. Marketing materials are made deliberately, often at the request of Sales; their guidance in how a sales piece is built, and how it can be leveraged, can maximize its value.
  • How does the web copy fit into the sales messaging? Marketing shapes your company story, but SDRs are the ones telling the story. Learning how Marketing’s language can make sales messaging more effective (and consistent with all the materials a prospect sees) can leverage the work that went into that story.
  • Compare cadences. Marketing is likely crafting drip campaigns. Compare how their open rates compare to yours. If they’re seeing higher rates, find out what the difference in approach is and share that knowledge with your SDRs.


Get to the point.

Speaking of outreach: Keep your written messages on point.

An evaluation on LinkedIn shows that 90% of InMails are more than 400 characters long—but InMails with fewer than 400 characters achieved response rates 22% better than average.

Cut everything you can. Like in this section—itself 330 characters, including spaces. Boo-yah.


Uncover urgency.

Urgency drives sales. But you can’t reliably manufacture urgency; rather, your SDRs need to discover the urgency already there. 

Back to James Buckley’s wisdom: In order to uncover urgency, SDRs have to get prospects talking about the things that matter to them. Namely: what are their priorities?

“Instead of telling them you’re from this company and we’re the number one provider of X, which is how cold calls begin, you want to say, Here’s what I know about you guys already,” James says. “Normally when I talk to people like you, they’re worried about this, this and this. Which is your priority at the moment?”

Here’s the funny thing about choices: when you give prospects one, they make it. They’ll tell you which one is their priority. Or, if none of them are they’ll tell you that too.

Now your SDRs know what the prospect’s most urgent needs are—and can set about addressing them.


Disqualify bad prospects early.

Deals are taking more time and effort to close now—and your SDRs need to focus on the ones that show promise.

After all, by letting a bad prospect go, they’re not losing a deal; they’re clearing the way for a better prospect.

But letting go is hard to do. It’s on leadership to educate SDRs on when to disqualify a prospect:

  • Check the levels of engagement. And we don’t mean a prospect’s enthusiasm. Help your team set expectations around when they should anticipate setting up a demo, knowing who all is on the buying team, agreeing to a mutual action plan—basically, what are your team’s touch points for knowing the sales process is on track?
  • Set the right values. If you value a high pipeline coverage ratio, SDRs will be more loath to let a prospect go. If you expect perfect close rates, they’ll let too many go—including qualified leads that might require a bit of extra work. Vocalize and demonstrate what you value from the sales team, even to the point of micro-celebrating the times that reps let a big one go.
  • Provide more quality prospects in the pipeline. Providing hyper-clear definitions of what an ideal prospect looks like for your sales team in real time, and a healthy list of prospects that match that profile, means your SDRs don’t have to feel stuck milking bad prospects out of desperation to close a deal.

We started with the ICP, and we’re going to end the same way: A truly dynamic customer profile, such as Rev’s aiCP that can reconfigure itself with each new input, provides and prioritizes lists of best-fit target accounts. That way, your skilled sales team gets to focus on the prospects where they’re most likely to succeed.

Want to see a dynamic ICP in action? Contact us, and we’ll conduct a free ICP audit for you.

How (and why) RevOps teams use exegraphic data, with Intelligent Demand’s Nicole Davolt

RevOps teams are under enormous pressure to grow their companies, and to grow them efficiently. Even C-suites are feeling this pressure. When they do, they turn to Nicole Davolt, a RevOps strategist at Intelligent Demand.

“We align their tactics, their technology and their people into a strategic growth strategy and a program that allows them to acquire, retain and expand revenue with their best-fitting customers and prospects,” Nicole says. “But really, we just exist to help tame the complexity of modern B2B growth.”

An expert growth partner helps companies and RevOps teams align Sales and Marketing (and others within an organization) to deliver better overall customer experience, as well as improve the prioritization of operations within the sales pipeline.

To that end, we dove into conversation with Nicole about exegraphic data—how it functions, how it changes the way revenue teams can think about targeting accounts, and how it can improve precision, streamline operations, maximize resources and harmonize often competing teams within your organization. 


Exegraphics: The behavioral traits of companies

Before companies can improve the precision of their targeting with exegraphics, it helps to understand how exegraphics work.

“I like to think of them as psychographic traits for B2C, but now for B2B,” Nicole says. “Instead of those psychographic traits about an individual, exegraphics are traits about the business and how a business behaves.”

Whereas more traditional firmographics include traits such as industry, size, and revenue, exegraphics examine hundreds of other, more behavioral, traits like: Are companies early adopters of technology? Are they hiring a larger sales team? Are they expanding their marketing teams? How do they operate on the inside and on the outside?

“Exegraphics let us get a more complete picture and a more holistic view of an account,” Nicole says. “When you look at just firmographics, you might have tens or hundreds of thousands of accounts that fit that profile. When you’re conducting an account-based campaign, you need to narrow those down to who will fit your ICP best and who acts just like your best customers—the ones that you would want to clone out hundreds of times if you could.”

Whereas doing this “by hand” would be practically impossible, the AI-driven model behind exegraphics assesses hundreds of aspects to build out an image of what makes those customers the best—and identifies (and ranks) others that resemble them.

Nicole points out that the answer in identifying top prospects does not lie in plucking single exegraphic threads; it’s the composite pattern-matching that creates a more meaningful customer profile than humans could reasonably accomplish alone.

In short: “Exegraphics give us more confidence in building our ICP,” she says.


Prioritizing accounts to get to market faster

Building a quality ICP is an early step—not an end goal. For Nicole, the real power of exegraphics comes into play for prioritizing all those accounts that match your ICP.

“Clients understand generally what their ideal client looks like,” she says, “but they don’t know which ones to go after, how to go after them and who to pay special attention to.”

As an example, Intelligent Demand had a client with a target account list upward of 65,000 accounts—and they lacked the resources to tackle that entire list. So the agency assessed the client’s best customers with Rev’s AI-powered Sales Development Platform and compared them to the prospect list, in order to whittle it to something not only more manageable but more impactful.

Exegraphics trimmed that list to about 10,000 accounts—and then Nicole used them to help rank the remaining candidates.

Then, “Do we want to spread your budget evenly like peanut butter across all these accounts?” she asked. “Or are there certain accounts we want to pay more special attention to? Who do we prioritize for a specialized one-to-one outreach, one-to-few, and one-to-many? Let’s look at how closely they correlate to your best customers.”

Exegraphics (in combination with intent and campaign engagement data) identified the 200 accounts best matched to the ICP, with the highest likelihood to engage.

As Nicole puts it: “Exegraphics enabled us to get to market faster and be able to make smarter decisions at the beginning of the campaign, when we had limited amounts of data.”


Three data sets playing together: exegraphics, intent and campaign engagement

Nicole referenced intent and campaign engagement data above, and that they play well with exegraphic data to prioritize accounts. Here’s how she explains them as distinct approaches to understanding prospects:

  • Exegraphics are like the personality traits of an account: more fixed, and slower to change. “My personality traits don’t change drastically in a short amount of time,” she says. “If an account is likely to be an early adopter of technology or is in a high growth mode, they’re likely to be in that same mode six months to a year from now.”
  • Intent and campaign engagement data examines what an account is interested in. “What are they searching? Which kind of articles are they reading? What are they looking for? Are they in market for something that I have to sell right now?” These data sets are ever-changing.

When these data sets intersect, an ideal customer becomes an ideal customer right now (and thus a high priority for sales and marketing outreach). 


Maximizing limited resources

A common theme in RevOps teams that Nicole works with is this: Teams struggle with limited resources. How can they use this exegraphic data to maximize the resources that they do have?

Nicole provides these three insights into prioritizing a team’s resources in addition to prioritizing their prospects:

  • Get discovery out of the way. “Sales teams don’t have to get on a phone call to uncover the things that you can’t normally see,” she says. “We’re able to see them through exegraphics.” For instance, Intelligent Demand generally looks for clients with a certain level of marketing maturity—and exegraphics helps the Sales team assess the marketing maturity of an account directionally before even reaching out.
  • Determine your talk track. We all know that prospects have different personas that we talk to throughout the sales cycle, and many organizations have standard talk tracks for them. But how to know which ones to lead with? Exegraphics enable a team to step into conversations with high confidence that they’re using the most applicable talk track because they already understand certain behaviors (and thus certain pain points) within the organization.
  • Align Sales and Marketing. The process of using exegraphics to select accounts can actually bring Sales and Marketing teams together. “Historically, you have Marketing teams pick certain accounts for certain reasons, and Sales teams pick certain accounts for certain reasons,” Nicole says. Exegraphics help both teams hone those lists in tandem, without it being a matter of stepping on each other’s domains—instead, Sales and Marketing alignment becomes about identifying the accounts most likely to succeed with limited resources to target them. “It opens up the conversation and gives teams data points to be confident in the accounts they’re selecting, as well,” she says.


Final thoughts: Creating harmonious RevOps teams

Each step of Nicole’s exegraphic discussion comes back to prioritization:

  • Identifying what traits matter most to your ICP
  • Choosing the accounts most likely to purchase
  • Selecting other relevant data points
  • Maximizing limited resources

Exegraphic prioritization enables more than just a smoother, more efficient pipeline, though. It also creates more internal harmony within RevOps.

“When we’re aligned on a target account list, especially for an account-based campaign or an account-based play, there’s less handoff between Marketing and Sales,” Nicole says. “There’s more of What are we going to do at the same time, together? What activities are we going to do at each point in the customer life cycle to work together to get them to the next phase?”

While Marketing and Sales may each take the lead at various points, exegraphic data-driven foundation aligns them on a continuous, parallel path—for the good of your RevOps team as well as your customers.

Interested in hearing the full conversation with Nicole Davolt? Watch it here.

9 account based marketing (ABM) tactics to help maximize your ROI

We get it. Account based marketing (ABM) on paper sounds like a great idea. All you have to do is create a campaign that targets a specific account or set of accounts, track the results and adjust your strategy as needed.

But where do you start? What ABM tactics should you use? And how do you use them in a way that stands out from all of your competitors using the same tactics? 

Good questions—especially since research from MarketingProfs shows that organizations that have sales and marketing teams aligned on an account-based marketing strategy have seen up to a 208% increase in marketing revenue

In this blog post, we’ve put together a list of 9 ABM tactics that you can use to maximize the ROI of your account based marketing efforts. These tactics will go from foundational strategies like creating account-specific content to more innovative tactics like leveraging social media channels like LinkedIn and Twitter.

But before we dive into each of those tactics, let’s start with a few of the basics of account based marketing to ensure we’re all on the same page.


What is account based marketing?

Account based marketing (aka ABM) is a B2B-focused marketing strategy that puts customer relationships at the center of its efforts. It’s a way for you to build more profitable customer relationships and increase your sales pipeline with high-fit target accounts.

Unlike traditional B2B marketing, which focuses on mass outreach to as many people as possible, ABM is a targeted approach that enables businesses to build personal relationships with their ideal customers.


How to identify which accounts to target with account based marketing tactics

Want to save yourself some time? Consider using advanced marketing technology to quickly identify which accounts fit your company best. Typically, this type of technology employs predictive analytics, AI and machine learning to narrow down your ideal target market.

For example, Rev’s Sales Development Platform that uses AI to identify the most likely to convert accounts. Our platform identifies these accounts by comparing them to your current list of best customers using exegraphic data.

What’s that? Exegraphic data is any type of data point that gives you information on how a company operates and executes its mission. For example, exegraphics can give you insight into a company’s current hiring trends, how likely the CEO is to adopt new technologies and how the organization communicates its brand value to the public.

You can use this type of information to identify accounts similar to those already converted, increasing the likelihood of success for your account-based marketing tactics.

Once you’ve identified accounts that fit your criteria, it’s time to start engaging with them by crafting tailored ABM campaigns using sales and marketing tactics like the ones discussed below.


9 ABM tactics to maximize ROI 

Do your marketing and sales teams already have a decent target account list? Great! Here are 9 account based marketing tactics to help you maximize ROI and get the most out of your efforts.


#1 Use exegraphic data to refine your ICP

Your ideal customer profile (ICP) is the foundation of any successful ABM strategy. By leveraging the exegraphic data you found while building your target account list, you can also develop a more detailed picture of your ICP. Doing so will help ensure you create campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

For example, you can use exegraphics to identify the pain points and motivators most influential to key decision makers when they consider purchasing a new product or service. With this information, you can avoid ineffective marketing efforts and wasting time and resources on accounts that are not a good fit.


#2 Develop personalized content for each account

Has a friend ever sent you a personalized invitation to a party or event? If so, chances are that extra effort made you feel special and appreciated—and made it more likely you’d show up! The same concept applies to account based marketing.

Showing a target account that you’ve taken the time to craft personalized content for them can help build their trust and loyalty to your brand. How do you do this? Personalized content can come in many forms: custom videos, emails, social media posts and more. 

Just make sure it’s tailored to a target account’s specific business goals and needs, which you can find by looking at their exegraphics.


#3 Create account-specific offers or exclusive events

Imagine your favorite store has a sale. Would you rather get a generic coupon or one tailored to your specific interests, giving you a personalized customer experience? We know that we’d prefer the latter! The same logic applies to B2B account based marketing.

By creating account-specific offers or exclusive events showing your target accounts that you treat them differently, you can demonstrate your commitment to meeting their needs. This could be anything from an exclusive discount, a free trial period, or a free webinar or seminar to discuss ways your solution can help solve the account’s unique problems.


#4 Create account-level customer portals

Want to make a target account really feel special? Create a dedicated portal or app that gives them access to exclusive resources tailored to their unique needs. This portal can provide them with product updates, usage metrics and customer service resources.

Sure, this tactic requires some upfront work, but the rewards are worth it. Account-level customer portals can help you increase engagement and loyalty with target accounts by providing a one-stop shop for all their needs.


#5 Engage with the social media profiles of key accounts

Want your target accounts to know who you are before you reach out? How about wanting them to remember the value of your offer without needing to endlessly follow up? Well, have members of your sales and marketing teams engage with their social media profiles!

How? It’s easy! Go to a social media platform like LinkedIn or Twitter to follow their accounts, comment on their posts and share their content to make your company visible.

Why does this work? Because it shows that you’re paying attention to their business and care about what they have to say. You may even find yourself connecting with potential decision makers or influencers in the process.


#6 Perform website personalization for prospects and customers

One way to make your target accounts feel special is by personalizing their experience when they visit your website. This could include highlighting case studies relevant to their line of work, recommending products or services tailored to their specific needs or even providing a personalized landing page for each account. 

For example, a personalized landing page might include the company logo, visuals that are relevant to their industry and communication tailored to their specific account. This way, you can show them that you understand their needs, have solutions ready for them and make them feel like they’re being treated as an important part of your business.


#7 Develop influencer outreach programs

Influencers can play an essential role in an account based marketing strategy by helping to drive awareness of your brand and generate interest in your products or services. To succeed with this strategy, start by identifying relevant influencers to each of your target accounts. 

Then, you’ll develop outreach programs tailored to the needs of each influencer, including information on how they can help your brand stand out and the benefits of working with you.

For example, you could offer special discounts, early access to new products, or even exclusive sneak previews of upcoming features. By getting to know your target influencers and what they’re interested in, you can create more meaningful relationships that will benefit your company, the influencer and your target accounts.


#8 Use direct mail to reach out to decision makers

Direct mail is dead, right? Wrong! Despite its old-school reputation, direct mail is still an effective way to reach decision makers within your target accounts. You can use direct mailers to communicate your USP, deliver information about a new product or service and even provide exclusive deals.

For example, let’s imagine you work for a software company that offers a specialized customer relationship management (CRM) platform for enterprise technology companies. You can use exegraphic data to determine what qualities they look for when hiring the sales reps that will use their current CRM to manage customer relationships.

Once you have that information, you can craft a direct mail that offers a free trial of your platform for these companies, highlighting information that speaks to their specific needs regarding sales reps.


#9 Use retargeting ads to put your message in front of decision makers

Retargeting is another excellent ABM tactic that allows you to place ads directly in front of your target audience, no matter where they are online. These digital ads can also serve as a reminder that your product can provide the solutions they need.

As an example, let’s say one of your target accounts has recently visited a page about one of your products. You can then serve them with an ad that promotes the benefits of that product and how it can help them solve their unique problem.

Remember to personalize these ads with insights from exegraphic data to make them even more effective. For instance, your ad could speak directly about the account’s current pain points or how your product can help them meet their current objectives.


Final thoughts

Account based marketing is an effective way to get more out of customer relationships and increase customer loyalty. With the right ABM tactics, you can develop strategies tailored to specific accounts, track customer interactions, and create personalized marketing campaigns to help reach your company’s sales and revenue goals.

But to give your account based marketing strategy the best chance of succeeding, start by ensuring you’re targeting the high value accounts most likely to convert. How do you do that? We’ll show you!

Contact us, and we’ll show the exegraphics behind your best customers and provide you with a list of businesses that operate and behave just like them!

It’s time to improve your aim

Most revenue teams have more prospects in their CRM than they can handle. The problem, frankly, is not building up contact lists—the problem is maximizing the pipeline to identify the best prospects and engage them effectively.

The sub-par prospects that clog your pipeline still consume resources but are more unlikely ever to close. If they do close, they’re less likely to renew or become your best customers.

Our research at Rev shows that only 18% of most companies’ pipelines actually match their ICP. Meanwhile, up to 65% of five-star opportunities get straight-up missed.

Those averages are outstanding in baseball, but horrendous in your revenue functions. The culprit? Most companies don’t actually know what their real ideal customer looks like. Their ICP is incomplete. And if they can’t identify their best prospects, they certainly won’t connect with them.

Developing a high-quality, high-efficiency pipeline starts with improving the fitness of your prospects—and your aim in targeting them. After all, your aim—the percent of accounts in your pipeline that match your ICP—matters, and it should be a key metric you track. When you spend more of your resources engaging with the right prospects, the ones most likely to close and become great customers, the entire journey downstream runs more smoothly. What company doesn’t need that, especially today?

If you’re wondering how to track your aim and how to improve it, you’re in luck. This article will guide you through everything you need to know to get started.


Step 1: Identify the characteristics of your best customers

When you think about your best customers, what traits come to mind? Too many revenue teams still rely on firmographics to understand the traits of their best customers. Broad categories like industry, location, size and revenue don’t actually reveal much about the inner workings of companies and how they execute their missions.

B2C companies have been riding this train for years now. They moved beyond demographics to psychographics to better predict what individual customers want to buy. In the B2B world, you need equivalent insights to really understand your best customers (and, in turn, your best prospects). 

Exegraphics provide those demand signals. They are, essentially, any piece of information you could want to know about a company, gleaned through AI-driven analyses in three ways.

  1. Exegraphics focus on a company’s positioning in its industry and the value it brings to market.
  2. Exegraphics also evaluate the functions of the people internal to an organization, including how those functions are prioritized.
  3. Exegraphics then account for trends over time to better predict where a company is headed.


Exegraphic data digs beyond superficial indicators to evaluate broad organizational behaviors and patterns. You might have two companies that appear identical on the outside: same industry, comparable products, equivalent workforce. Yet they might operate entirely differently on the inside—and those inner workings effectively make them completely different customers.

Evaluating your existing best customers in these ways helps you understand what really makes them tick, and thus, what you really want to look for in a top prospect.


Step 2: Build a dynamic ICP

Exegraphics are precise data points. Any one of them, taken in isolation, may not mean much. But a collection of hundreds of exegraphics accomplishes what a traditional ICP hopes to: it builds a complete and thorough picture of how your actual best customers behave, and what they are most likely to need.

Even better? Exegraphics, by their very nature, enable revenue teams to create dynamic ICPs that continuously improve. (At Rev, we call these aiCPs—AI-driven ideal customer profiles.) These are ICPs that embody the current and ever-changing behaviors, strategies, attitudes and events (such as personnel and product changes) of your ideal customers.

Plus, each time you sign a new customer, or an existing customer expands its account, that customer’s exegraphic data feeds back into the model to better define what ideal means for you.

No more of the old-school, stuck-on-firmographics ICP on a PowerPoint slide that you update every few years. Equipped with a dynamic ICP, revenue teams know (essentially in real time) how their best customers behave—and what to look for in new prospects.


Step 3: See which accounts in your pipeline have the characteristics you care about most

Now that you know what your ideal customer really looks like, and have a living model in place that evolves over time, you’re ready to see how many of the accounts in your pipeline fit your ICP. In our experience working with some of the world’s top brands, it’s much less than you think.

When you evaluate the exegraphic markers of the accounts in your pipeline and compare them to your now-full-picture ICP, you’ll have an aha-moment. You’ll see why certain accounts got stuck in your pipeline with little to no progress. You’ll also see accounts that show more promise, that have leading characteristics of an account that will make its way to closed-won. Those are the accounts you’ll know to prioritize.

When you can see how closely accounts in your pipeline match your ICP, you’re able to take a data-driven approach to seal the deal. Accounts that are a clear match to your ICP could be routed to sales, while accounts with a lower match rate could be placed in a nurture track. The accounts that don’t have matching traits? Toss those. You don’t have time or budget to spend on them.


Step 4: Find new accounts that match your ICP

Now that you have fewer accounts in your pipeline, what do you do? And how do you fill it moving forward?

Volume still matters, yes. But it really needs to be more of the right stuff. More quality targets. You probably get where we’re going with this, and you’re likely saying to yourself, “Got it… but how do I find accounts that have the deep traits I care about most? If I knew how to spot them, they’d already be in my queue.”

Great point. You could try to do it manually: hire a dedicated team to determine the exegraphics behind your best customers, build a more robust ICP and evaluate the exegraphic data behind all the accounts in your pipeline. By the time they’re done running the analyses, though, the data has probably changed. Luckily, AI can tackle this workload almost immediately. It’s great for pattern matching across large data sets and language models—including all sorts of digital “breadcrumbs.”

AI can also tell you which companies match your ICP, and how closely. No more going after big, aspirational logos just to have them clog your pipeline. By using AI to find the accounts that resemble your best customers, you’ll always know which accounts to target, and when.


Step 5: Improving metrics through better aim

When companies improve their targeting efficiency through the use of exegraphics and aiCPs, they don’t just get better prospects in the funnel—they get improved results the entire way through it.


Engagement case study: Allytics

As a Central Marketing Organization (CMO) for its clients, managing everything from strategy to implementation with an eye on improving their marketing ROI, Allytics requires strong engagement on behalf of all of its customers: growing account lists, acquiring new leads, expanding pipelines for marketing and sales.

To those ends, Allytics have partnered with Rev for more than three years to support deeper lead qualification, target market expansion and nurture campaigns for their clients, with the aid of exclusively tailored Custom Lenses.

“We can come in with any angle and Rev builds a lens for us that helps our clients increase their pipeline growth by providing unique and specific targeted insights,” says Allytics President Dunya Riechelson. “This gives us clear direction and quality results.”

For Allytics, Rev’s Sales Development Platform expanded several clients’ account bases by more than 20% through lookalike targeting, providing access to a stronger pool of leads with higher levels of engagement.

VP of Marketing Services Robert Doi says: “Rev’s technology makes them a perfect partner to help our clients increase both the quality and velocity of new potential customers, closing more deals.”

And that’s not all. Allytics also saw a 50% decrease in time to find qualified leads.


Case study: Splunk

When Splunk acquired another company in the DevOps space, it set out to run a demand gen campaign to prospect for it. Splunk had developed an extensive ABM list and inherited a seed list of the acquisition’s best customers, but still struggled to gain traction and add quality prospects. 

Rev created an aiCP for Splunk, prioritized the list and ran a content syndication campaign.

Not only did the campaign result in sourcing the quality prospects Splunk desired, but it also revealed that the companies showing intent previously were not actually best-fit prospects. They were draining revenue resources with a lesser likelihood of actually closing.

Splunk’s new aiCP enabled them to prioritize the account list and focus marketing efforts. According to Joe Paone, Sr. Director of Worldwide Commercial Marketing, more than 15% of the pipeline can now be attributed to the aiCP, with increased pipeline revenue of more than $500 million.

 Did we mention they saw these results in less than 3 weeks?


Final thoughts: Keep on evaluating your pipeline

Once you achieve a stronger sense of your own ideal customers on an exegraphic basis, you can make a pretty immediate and drastic evaluation of your existing pipeline.

If you align with the averages, your revenue team isn’t even touching about 2/3 of the prospects in the pipeline. Imagine assessing the entire pipeline for the best-fit prospects—the ones most likely to close, and to become great customers—and being able to pluck those targets out of the crowd.

You can. And you can evaluate how you’re filling the pipeline based on what percentage of the prospects there match the characteristics that matter most to you. These are the metrics that can change the game for revenue leaders: early indicators of your revenue teams’ operational efficiency and ultimate success.

Doing so not once, but continuously, calibrates your teams’ efficiency and your pipeline’s quality. As Allytics’ Richelson says: “Quality is a focus from end-to-end through every touch point in the engagement. And, because the AI gets smarter over time, we can optimize as we go.”

As you need to pivot in an ever-changing market, exegraphics and aiCPs equip you to constantly refocus your aim and maximize your efforts. After all, your objectives aren’t static. Your approach doesn’t have to be, either.

These pipeline pain points are a universal experience, but they can be addressed head on by revamping how you think about your ICP and changing the way you identify and source top prospects. Get started on improving your aim. See you how your aim stacks up against others—and what you can do to improve it.

How to win with multi-level selling, with Pegasystems’ Judy Buchholz

Multi-level selling creates more direct conversations at all relevant levels of your prospects’ org charts. It’s clearly a solid strategy—but one that you do not want to implement cold.

“It all starts with a strategy,” says Judy Buchholz, SVP of Global Partner Ecosystems at Pegasystems. “You make a map of the critical constituents at your client, at all levels, who are decision-makers, and look at how to engage them from C-suite through to the people doing the job every day and understanding their process.”

In her decades-long technology career at IBM and Pega, more than half of which she has spent facing clients from services and consulting to client engagement and sales, Judy has been able to develop a deep understanding of multi-level selling practices.

First, you really understand, discover, listen, research and then map,” she says. “Who is going to be part of this life cycle of a decision process? What is your strategy for this client? How do you want to engage with them? Where do you believe your product or service is relevant in solving their business problems?”

We recently sat down with Judy, she shared her insights into winning at multi-level selling. Here it is.


Leverage a prospect’s peers

Identifying the right people to talk to in a prospect company is pretty standard practice for Sales and Revenue teams. Identifying the right people in your own organization to talk to them? That doesn’t always happen—and Judy sees the benefits of doing so.

“Step back and look across your teams at your firm,” she says. “How do you leverage the best people to face off in a conversation?”

For instance, if you’re selling to a finance team, you want buy-in from their CFO. That’s a tough meeting to land, and you end up relying on others on that finance team to champion your product. But if you could engage your own CFO to connect with the target CFO, that meeting is much more likely to happen—and to provide your target value beyond the sale itself.

Think of it this way: it just makes sense to have people with similar interests and experiences talk to each other, whether it’s executive to executive or sustainability coordinator to sustainability coordinator.

“They’re going to share insights and information,” Judy says. “They see peers as a chance to talk about how they’re running their business. It’s not just about what you’re selling to them. Relevance is important in who you align just as much as what you’re selling and how relevant it is to their business problems.”


Get your C-suite creating relationships

Of course, a cold call from one C-suite to another is still a cold call—unless a relationship already exists. Creating those connections before the sales cycle even begins is wildly beneficial.

“Typically, you’re not going to get CEO interaction,” Judy says. “So the natural thing is to go where they are. Are there events [aligned with your prospects’ interests] that the CEOs are attending and your C-suite should participate in?”

Finding opportunities to build these trusted relationships depends on understanding your prospects’ agendas. What are the most important things they’re trying to accomplish for their firm? If, say, ESG investing is a big deal to them, you could get your C-suite to speak at an ESG conference. Engaging in external forums like these improves your brand’s visibility as well as providing this sense of familiarity.

“It’s about discovery and learning, aligning their business goals to what your corporation can provide,” Judy says. 

This proactive approach not only creates connections between executives—it makes it easier for you to call in your execs during the sales cycle. It’s hard to get executives (internal or external!) to take a call without having that relationship first. Just recognizing someone’s name eases that process and makes a call that much more realistic.

“Over time, they get comfortable,” Judy says. “They’re betting their business on you; they need to know that you are vested in them.”


Make your prospects’ partners your partners too

The best people to connect with your prospects may actually be outside your organization. Think consulting firms, systems integrators, other service providers. These groups might actually be better positioned to talk with your customers—especially if they understand the value of your offering.

Judy assesses potential partners by wondering if they are (or if they can be) an extension of your organization, in order to provide unique capabilities as one thread.

“As you’re working to map your clients, my advice is to know who their trusted partners are, who they go to for advice,” she says. “Understand that just as much as you understand the client.”

In approaching these partners, Judy recommends:

  • Target the right partners. “Who are the people that are going to affiliate the best with your solution?” she asks. (Shameless plug: Judy identifies solutions like Rev’s AI-driven model to help determine the right client set.)
  • Build rapport with those partners before pitching them anything—just as you would create relationships between executives.
  • Bring them value. “Identify how your technology or service could aid them in what they’re trying to do, so that they have an interest in working with you,” she says. “Clients don’t take meetings unless they believe you are going to be relevant and impactful for them.”


Four health-check questions to assess partnerships

In the context of multi-level selling, where you’re trying to leverage partners as well as your internal experts, how can you measure the value of those partners?

After all, a successful partnership can bring a lot of credibility to your offering—especially if it’s a new technology. A consultant or other third-party firm vouching for your company enables a client to stump for the budget and champion your product. Similarly, a less healthy partnership can undercut your organization’s credibility.

Judy identifies four pieces that you can use to evaluate the health of these partnerships throughout your ecosystem.

  1. How well are they feeding your pipeline? “Are they bringing you leads and opportunities?” Judy asks. “What’s the win rate? The health of what they’re sourcing so that you can co-sell with them is a critical measurement.”
  2. How are they developing a practice around your capabilities? Any firm partnering with you needs to have this objective: they want their clients to be using your services. “At the end of the day, an SI or a consulting firm doesn’t want people on the bench,” Judy says. If they’re growing their practice and growing their bench, they see market opportunity. How well your service or product is being deployed by these partners shows how seriously they’re invested in you.
  3. Are they certifying and training for your capabilities? Partners’ representatives having the skills to represent your firm and your technology properly is crucial to a successful partnership.
  4. How satisfied are your partners’ clients? Client satisfaction with the projects these partners deliver is most important of all. If the clients aren’t happy, you’ll likely never work with them again. “This is the ultimate test post-sale,” Judy says.


Final thoughts: It’s all about relationships

A robust multi-level selling strategy comes down to this one word: relationships. Seller to buyer, CEO to CEO, vendor to consultant—every relationship a seller cultivates is just that. Building genuine, quality, valuable rapport creates sound relationships both within and outside of the sales cycle.

For many, the shift to remote communication has made building relationships more challenging. They want face-to-face connections. Others love the productivity and efficiency of the virtual world—you’re talking to people instead of traveling to them.

Which is better for multi-level selling? Doesn’t matter, Judy says.

“At the end of the day,” she says, “if what you have an agenda for gets the person’s attention and they’re willing to give you the time, be it on the screen or in person, it’s about relevance.”

Bring enough value to that conversation for them to have another one. Often, that means connecting them to the right person, as Judy stresses throughout our conversation:

  • Whoever’s buy-in you need, get their peer in your org on a call.
  • Enlist your executives to participate in the right external forums.
  • Partner with the orgs that your prospects trust.
  • Evaluate the health of your partner relationships to ensure ongoing success for both your team and your customers.

Interested in catching the full conversation with Judy Buchholz and Fred Mondrago, CRO at Rev? Watch it here.

What is sales prospecting? (Definition, techniques and video examples)

You’re wrong if you thought sales prospecting and lead generation were the same things. While they are related, sales prospecting is a more focused and targeted process that involves finding potential customers who may be interested in your offer.

Lead generation, on the other hand, is the process of finding potential customers who may not be actively looking for what you offer but are still a good fit for your business. While both sales prospecting and lead generation require market research and a strong knowledge of what your target customers want, the main difference lies in how you go about reaching these potential customers.

In this blog post, we’ll explain the meaning of sales prospecting by looking specifically at one of the most challenging strategies for new and seasoned sales reps: cold prospecting. You’ll learn about the three most common cold prospecting techniques and find videos with cold outreach experts sharing their best tips. 

We’ll also show why you want to start using exegraphic data to find the prospects most likely to convert. Let’s get started!


Cold prospecting meaning and methods

Cold prospecting is perhaps the most labor-intensive form of prospecting for sales professionals. It involves reaching out to potential clients or leads who have not previously expressed interest in what you have to offer. And to do that effectively, you have to know how to research who to target, what to say to them, and what tools and resources you can use to influence them to convert.

But how does cold prospecting look in practice? There are three main methods of cold prospecting used by B2B sales reps:

  1. Cold calling
  2. Cold emailing
  3. Cold messaging on social media platforms like LinkedIn

Let’s take a look at each method.


Cold calling meaning

Cold calling is often the first method many salespeople think of when they think about cold prospecting or outreach. It involves making unsolicited sales calls to prospects you have yet to interact with.

For new sales reps, cold calling can feel useless and nerve-wracking. But according to a recent report, 82% of buyers accept meetings with sales teams who proactively reach out. So, cold calling isn’t the real problem. What is? 

The real problem is that most beginner sales reps simply pick up the phone and talk to prospects without any preparation or research. Unsurprisingly, this is a recipe for failure. So, how do the cold calling pros do it? 


Cold calling techniques and examples

One of the best ways to improve your cold calling success rate is to research your prospect ahead of time. For example, look up what challenges their company is currently facing or recent achievements your offer can help support. Then, before you make the call, you can tailor your pitch to their specific needs and concerns.

In the video below, Trent Dressel, a Senior Account Executive at Qualtrics, explains his process for creating a high-converting cold calling script for B2B software sales. If you’re unsure how to tailor your pitch and overcome common objections during cold calls, the video is worth watching!

Cold emailing meaning

Cold emailing tends to feel less intimidating than cold calling, but that doesn’t mean it’s any easier. This is why it’s common to hear defeated salespeople complain that cold emailing just doesn’t work. But that’s not true! 

What is true is that many sales reps send cold emails that aren’t worth a prospect’s time to respond. Again, this results from sending emails that fail to resonate with the prospect. It could also be because of a lack of awareness about factors influencing your ideal customer to convert.  How can you make sure your cold emails are worth a response? 


Cold emailing techniques and examples

For cold email to work, you’ve got to dive deep into what characteristics and problems your prospects have that your company’s solution can help alleviate. It’s the only way you’ll create a message that resonates and inspires your prospect to take action. 

You should also take a look at these excellent tips from Patrick Dang. In the video below, Dang shares his top 5 cold email tips that are essential knowledge for sales reps using cold email to find prospects. 

Cold messaging on social media meaning

You’re missing out if you’re not using social media to find prospects! According to LinkedIn research, the average reply rate to LinkedIn messages is 85%, three times higher than email.

At its core, cold messaging on social media is about finding the profiles of people interested in your offer and starting conversations that may eventually lead to sales. This can involve sending a direct message or posting comments and replies on the profiles of targeted users.

But beware: every day, people on LinkedIn complain of being bombarded by lousy cold messages that just get ignored or turned into viral posts for all of LinkedIn to judge and criticize! So, how do you ensure you’re sending cold messages that get enthusiastic responses from your ideal prospects? 


Cold messaging on social media techniques and examples 

Like the other methods of cold prospecting, you’ll have the most success with this method if you make time to craft thoughtful and personalized cold messages tailored to your target audience.  

In the video below, Sarah Moore from Eleven Lights Media shares her process of writing cold messages on LinkedIn that lead to genuine sales conversations. 


Improve your sales prospecting with exegraphics

It doesn’t matter which cold prospecting method you choose. Your success in acquiring quality prospects will depend on how well you know your ideal customer, their pain points and what motivates them to buy.

Unfortunately, most sales reps—novice and experienced—rely on limited firmographic data to build their company’s ICP. And that type of data only gives you information like what industry the prospect is in, the company’s annual revenue and the company’s size.

What can you do with this information? Not enough. Because more is needed to create compelling sales messaging that will resonate with your target audience and help move them further down the sales funnel.

To improve your sales prospecting efforts, we recommend using the exegraphics of your best customers to improve your outreach strategy. What are exegraphics? Good question!

Exegraphics are the data on how your best customers operate and the signs they display when they’re ready to buy from your company. Recently, Challenger Inc. used exegraphics to fine-tune their ICP and found net-new high quality leads that weren’t even on their radar! 

Want to see if exegraphic can support your business to have similar or better results? Contact us to get a free ICP audit and a free list of target accounts that match your real ICP. Our AI-powered Sales Development Platform will help streamline your sales prospecting by showing you the prospects most likely to convert. 

Account based marketing examples

Account based marketing (ABM) has become one of the hottest new trends in marketing. It produces impressive results, making it a firm favorite strategy among leading companies, business startups and marketers. 

You may be wondering, beyond just being an in-vogue strategy for creating awareness and driving sales, what makes account based marketing so effective? 

At a high level, here’s the scoop: With ABM, customers are treated like individual accounts even when they’re grouped as leads within the same company or vertical. Each ABM campaign requires careful planning and an intimate understanding of what will resonate with each customer segment. It relies on tailored experiences to win a customer. While this strategic approach may require additional investment, the potential rewards outweighs the risk.

If you’re looking to get started with ABM—or need some fresh ideas for your existing program, we’ve got you. We’ve put together some of the best ABM examples that drove incredible results.

First, let’s dive into what account based marketing is.


What is account based marketing?

Account based marketing is a strategic approach to marketing that focuses on creating tailored campaigns for individual target accounts. It emphasizes the coordination between marketing and sales teams to reach the right prospects with personalized content.

ABM strategies are anchored on increasing engagement with key accounts to drive better results, such as higher quality engagements, more customer conversions and bigger deals. 

For example, if a company wants to target high-end accounts, it can create campaigns with special offers and incentives designed specifically for those accounts. With ABM, companies can target the right accounts and create content that resonates with those accounts’ specific needs and interests.

You can think of ABM as “one-to-one marketing,” where you tailor your messaging to each account instead of casting a wide net.


What are the benefits of account based marketing?

We’ve lightly touched on the benefits of ABM already, so let’s go deeper. They include the following.


#1. Targeted approach

Account based marketing allows you to direct your efforts (and resources) more precisely. By having an accurate view and intimate understanding of the customers you’re trying to reach, you can create content and campaigns tailored specifically to them. 


#2. Increased ROI

ABM strategies increase ROI because you’re focusing on accounts with the most potential. The tailored campaigns you build for your target accounts optimizes your spend, helping you avoid spending time and money on broad campaigns on a wide array of potential accounts that may or may not be receptive to the message.

In 2021, a global survey of B2B companies revealed that most had seen moderate success from their account based marketing (ABM) strategies. More than 1 in 5 even reported strong returns. Though nearly 30% saw little to no ROI, the vast majority were still moving forward with the strategy and working toward finding the right approach.

#3. Improved customer relationship

ABM allows you and your company to create a deeper connection with prospective and existing customers. As they begin to feel more valued and appreciated, their loyalty and engagement increases.


#4. Better insight

Through ABM, you can also come to better understand your customers’ needs and wants. As you dive into segmenting your targets, you’ll begin to develop more accurate customer profiles that can guide you in building meaningful campaigns that speaks to the challenges and opportunities they have. 


#5. Increased reach

Account based marketing gives you the opportunity to reach more customers. Now, I kow that sounds counterintuitive because we just said that ABM helps you target a specific set of accounts. But here’s the truth behind it all. By understanding the needs and wants of your target audience, you can create campaigns that more people will see. You’ll no longer be throwing spaghetti at a wall.


#6. Manageable costs

ABM also allows you to be very precise about how you allocate your budget. You’ll know if anything you spend is moving the needle at the account level and you’ll know where to invest more.


Examples of great ABM campaigns

The moment you’ve been waiting for: examples of strong ABM campaigns. Here are a few ABM campaigns to inspire your next one.

GumGum personalized storytelling

GumGum, an AI contextual intelligence company, leverages ABM for its “personalized storytelling ” approach. Specifically, they used this approach to close a big deal with T-Mobile.

GumGum was able to gain insight into the preferences of its target client through research. They discovered that T-Mobile’s CEO was a huge Batman fan and used this information to their advantage.

Knowing this, they printed out personalized comic books called “T-man and Gums,” featuring the CEO as the main character. It generated a lot of buzz and excitement among T-Mobile’s agencies, which helped GumGum secure the deal.

As a result of using an ABM strategy, they witnessed great success in their campaign and gained traction among their target accounts. Their sales pipeline rose by more than 10x. 


LiveRamp’s hyper-targeted approach

LiveRamp, a data onboarding company, also experienced success with its ABM strategy. 

They made a 33% conversion rate in 4 weeks after creating a comprehensive list of their 15 highest-value clients and targeting them with multi-channel campaigns. The list included the clients’ names, contact information and preferences. Their campaigns included emails, snail mail, webinars, and personalized content tailored to these accounts’ specific needs and wants.

Then, they tracked the responses for each channel and analyzed which was the most effective. While the campaigns were targeted, they also included a “bait” element that encouraged their clients to engage with them in the future. It showed that LiveRamp was actively interested in feedback and understanding the needs of its customers.

The main takeaway from LiveRamp’s ABM strategy was identifying the most valuable accounts and assuring them of a personalized experience tailored to their needs. It helped them increase conversions and create long-term, lasting relationships with clients. 


Salsify’s multi-channel account based marketing

Salsify is a product experience platform provider that helps companies to create and manage digital content for their products. To increase the visibility of their products to their target accounts, Salsify implemented an account based marketing strategy. 

They planned a roadshow in New York with large companies such as Johnson & Johnson and Google to speak on their behalf. At the same time, they took to social media to find and connect with their targets. 

In addition, Salsify followed up with targeted ads and emails to close dozens of accounts in 2 hours, exceeding their target conversion by 22%. With the help of their marketing and sales departments, the multi-channel account based marketing strategy created a massive success for Salsify. 

The strategy increased brand awareness and made it easier to launch their product into the market. It also created a more personal experience for their clients, allowing them to tailor their message to their accounts’ individual needs and wants. 

The success of Salsify’s ABM strategy demonstrated the power of multi-channel account based marketing. It showed that companies could exceed their conversion expectations by taking a more personal approach to their campaigns. 


DocuSign’s segmented approach

DocuSign is a digital transaction management platform that provides businesses with an easier way to manage their contracts and documents online. Along with the challenge of having to target six different industries, they needed to find a way to connect with their customers effectively. 

With the challenges in mind, DocuSign decided to create a segmented approach on its website. By asking users simple questions about their industry, they could determine which content was most relevant for each individual. 

This allowed them to direct marketing efforts with industry-specific campaigns, such as webinars and whitepapers. It also helped them better understand their customers’ needs, making it easier to create more customized content that resonated with their audiences. 

The result of this approach was a 22% boost in their sales pipeline, proving that segmentation can be a powerful tool in ABM. They also increased their engagement rate by over 59% as users felt more connected with the company. Also, they boosted the number of views on their page to more than 30%

By segmenting their approach, DocuSign was able to drive more traffic, increase click-through rates and boost conversation percentage from high-value accounts.


The bottom line

ABM can fuel tremendous growth results. To see that lift, you have to make sure you’re targeting the right accounts from the beginning. The superficial markers you may have once relied on—things like industry, company size, geography—are not enough.

You need to target accounts based on deeper signals, exegraphics. Exegraphics data tell you how companies operate, so you can not only target the accounts that have the characteristics you care about, but so you can also create campaigns that align with their core needs.

Curious to learn how to bring exegraphics into your ABM strategy? Contact us and we’ll show you the exegraphics behind your best customers—and even show you the accounts you’re missing from your ABM list.